The beach rover that may help you clean those cigarette butts that are poisoning shoreline animals

The beach rover that may help you clean those cigarette butts that are poisoning shoreline animals

Every year, cigarette butts added to the world's landfills have come to represent a significant environmental problem. The small bits of plastic take up to 14 years to disintegrate, and they poison sea turtles, birds, fish, snails and other creatures along the way.

Bos and fellow entrepreneur Martijn Lukaart have invented a machine that can spot cigarette butts on a beach, pluck them out, and dispose of them in a safe bin. Bos and Lukaart are the co-founders of TechTics, a consultancy based in The Hague that works to resolve social issues with technology.

Their prototype, called BeachBot, uses artificial intelligence to learn how to better find the strewn filters, even if they’re partially buried in sand. BeachBot has completed one demo: during World Cleanup Day last September at Scheveningen Beach.

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